
International Congress on Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture, Ecosystems and Human Health (ICCC 2022)

November 16-18, 2022, Miri, Malaysia


ICRA participa en el congrès International Congress on Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture, Ecosystems and Human Health (ICCC 2022). El Dr. Damià Barceló participa com a speaker. https://climateconf2021.com/keynote-speakers/


Climate Change is the defining issue of our time and we are at a defining moment. From shifting weather patterns that threaten food production, to rising sea levels that increase the risk of catastrophic flooding, the impacts of climate change are global in scope and unprecedented in scale.

Without drastic action today, adapting to these impacts in the future will be more difficult and costlier.

Scientific Sessions

Sustainable Engineering and Technologies

Causes and Effects of Climate Change – Global Scenario

Green technologies for adaptation and mitigation of climate change

Changes in Biodiversity as Impact of Climate change and Global warming

Effects of Global Warming and Climate change on Marine Life

Impacts of Global Warming and Climate change on Human Health

Recent trends in Biofuels, Bioenergy production and Green

Initiatives: In era of climate change and global warming

Energy and environmental policy for Climate change mitigation and Sustainability

Environmental Pollution – Causes and consequences on Ecosystems

Carbon Cycle, CO2 Capture and Sequestration

Climate change, ecosystem stability and designer ecosystems.

Recycle, Reduce and reuse environmentally-friendly waste products

Natural Hazards: Information and communication technology (ICT)and Weather Information Management

Earth Science and Climate Change: Law and Policies

Impacts of Climate Change on International Trade, Commerce and Economics

Global Warming effects on Agriculture, Forestry and food security

Impacts of climate change on water Resources

Climate change effects on sea ice and glaciers

Impacts of climate change on Livestock and Fisheries

Recent trends Climate-smart Agriculture (CSA)

Precision agriculture Technologies – Concepts and Issues

Effect of Climate Change on Crop Pollination and Insect Pollinators

Effects of global climate change on infectious diseases

Effects of Climate Change on Forced Migration, Human Security and International Law

Implications of climate change on small island developing states: Case studies and experiences

Role of Nongovernmental Organizations and Civil Societies in the Climate Change Negotiations

Climate change, Agriculturally beneficial soil microbes and Sustainable food Security for all

Role of Mass Media in Climate Change Mitigation

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