
5th MS envi Day

28-29 Novembre Milano ( Italia)

Participació d'ICRA en el congrès 5th MS envi Day en Milano, organitzat per Societat Quimica italiana. 

ponencia presentada pel Dr. Damià Barceló: Wastewater-Based Epidemiology to monitor COVID-19 outbreak: Present and future diagnostic methods to identify large molecules using  environmental  proteomics  


Environmental issues and pollution make headlines and are becoming increasingly important in every day life. For a good health and high quality of life it is important monitor the source and extent of pollution and contamination, especially for compounds affecting human health.
The periodic updating of the list of substances to be monitored is made necessary by the continuous introduction of new synthetic molecules on the market, which requires the Actors responsible for environmental control, to respond promptly and flexibly to the challenges posed by emerging pollutants.

Mass Spectrometry (MS) is widely used in environmental analysis because of its ability to carry out robust, sensitive and quantitative analysis.
Because of the recent impressive developments, both regarding its coupling with separation techniques and rapid sampling and extraction methods, MS is actually a very powerful tool in the environmental field to detect and quantify micro-pollutants such as PAH, PCBs, dioxins, pesticides, PFOA, PFOS, endocrine disruptors and inorganic compounds.

The 5th MS EnviDay is organized in plenary lectures, oral and poster communications aimed to present the state of the art and applications of mass spectrometry in environmental analyses together with the latest technological developments, methodologies and applications in the environmental field.

The 5th MS EnviDay is a good opportunity to link industrial needs and academic knowledge and to promote meeting, discussion and cooperation on environmental sciences among scientists coming from public and private institutions, industries, control and research institutes.

Topics include:

The new watch list: new emerging contaminants end limits

Analysis of soil and its contamination

Environmental pollutants (PFOA, PFAS, Chloroalkanes)


Analysis of air, air polluttants, etc

Water, sediments and biota

Tap, surface water and its quality

Ambient mass spectrometry

High resolution mass spectrometry

Target & untargeted analysis


Validation of analytical methods in the environmental field

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