
webinar IWA The future of disinfection in drinking water & wastewater

Source: International Water Association


TYPE: Webinar
DURATION: 1:30 hours
START DATE: 09 Nov 2022
START TIME: 14:00 (London time)
FORMAT: Discussion panel and session

Target Audience

Water professionals from academia, industry, water utilities, and administration agencies, with special attention towards Young Water Professionals


This webinar is organized by the IWA Specialist Group (SG) of Disinfection. More information about this SG is available here.

Disinfection is an essential procedure in drinking water and wastewater treatment and has an outstanding contribution to public health. Multiple disinfection technologies play an important role in the fight against epidemics and disease. Besides pathogen inactivation, disinfectants react with the natural or artificial organic matter in water producing toxic disinfection by-products (DBPs).

So far, hundreds of DBPs have been identified and detected in drinking water and wastewater, and significant associations between DBPs and adverse health effects have been demonstrated. In continuity with the chapter related to disinfection and DBPs in the 3rd edition of IWA Global Trend Report, recent challenges and opportunities emerging from the global scientific community and water industry will be presented in this webinar. The future vision on disinfection and DBPs will be discussed by three top-level scientists.

Learning Objectives 

Following this session, participants will be able to:

Identify current main challenges and opportunities for disinfection and DBPs and related expected future development trends;

Identify main global stakeholders and their role in relation to the topic;

Identify different tools to deepen the specific knowledge about the topic.

Additional Resources


IWA Global Trends & Challenges Report

Webinar on-demand:

Wastewater Disinfection Modelling

Wastewater disinfection – the smart way

Webinar presentation slides: TBA.

IWA Disinfection and DBPs 2022 Group

Host  International Water Association


Chao Chen, Tsinghua University, China
Haim Cikurel, EU Projects, Israel
Andrea Turolla, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Gary L. Hunter, Black & Veatch's Water Technology Group, USA
Patrick Smeets, KWR Water Research Institute, Netherlands

Maria José Farré, Catalan Institute for Water Research ICRA, Spain 

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