
ICRA-CERCA participates in the NICE & UrbanByNature Capacity-Building Webinar

ICRA-CERCA participacion on the NICE & UrbanByNature Capacity-Building Webinar with the talk “MULTISOURCE NBS Technology selection and design tool”. During this webinar, Joaquim Comas, from the MULTISOURCE.eu project partner ICRA, presented the Selection and design tool for NBS technologies for water treatment and exposed its ongoing work on stakeholder engagement that is taking place for the co-design of the tool and during the design and operation of the Girona pilot (green wall for greywater treatment).

The talk of Joaquim Comas brought in innovative knowledge on how to address prioritisation and implementation of the capacity-building programme to promote exchange among cities, researchers, SMEs and NGOs to build bridges with the Nature-Based Solutions communities across Europe, Asia, Latin America, and other interested regions (in the framework of the UrbanByNature Programme).

https://old icra website.icradev.cat/files/noticia/Multisource
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