
Between July 30 and August 4, the Gordon Research Conference on Water Disinfection, Byproducts and Health ¨ Options and Limitations of Disinfection and Oxidation Processes for Water Safety¨ took place in South Hadley (Massachusetts, USA). This is the leading international scientific conference in the field of disinfection by-products focused on advancing the frontiers of science by presenting cutting-edge invited research.

This year, ICRA-CERCA researcher Maria José Farré was invited and gave a talk on the monitoring of changes in dissolved organic matter and the formation of DBP with high-resolution mass spectrometry, a research topic of the national project scan2DBP and European intoDBP.

Ángela Pedregal, PhD student of the ITN inventWater network, gave a talk in the preceding seminar (https://www.grc.org/water-disinfection-byproducts-and-health-grs-conference/2023/) about understanding the impact of runoff variability on DBP precursors for better management of lakes devoted to drinking water supply.

Mira Celic and Patricia Aguilar also attended the conference and presented posters on their research on organic matter and DBP precursors.

https://old icra website.icradev.cat/files/noticia/ICRA MariaJoseFarre GordonResearchConference
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