
ICRA collaborates with ACA in the identification of chemical compounds in water

The new success story of the CERCA Ginys platform brings us to the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) and the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA).

The Catalan Water Agency (ACA) is the public company of the Generalitat de Catalunya that is responsible for the planning and management of water in accordance with the basic principles of the Water Framework Directive . The ACA is challenged to ensure the sustainable use of water resources in the country and to manage this common good in a particularly complex framework today.

To identify certain chemical compounds, the ACA collaborates with the ICRA, which offers a comprehensive service in the field of water pollutant analysis, especially through the Scientific and Technical Services and, specifically, the Unit of Mass spectrometry.

This collaboration has allowed the ACA to better understand the causes of pollution, reach levels of detection that until now could not be reached and apply control measures to solve the problem and offer better water management. In addition, the collaboration with a research center such as ICRA has allowed them to access cutting-edge and very valuable information.

You can check out the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGlQyvgofLM

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