
ICRA hosts the first face-to-face meeting of the partners and members of the External Advisory Board of the PhageLand project

ICRA hosted, this September 19th, the first face-to-face meeting of the partners and members of the External Advisory Board of the PhageLand project. This is a project whose objective is to prevent the spread of resistance to antibiotics in surface waters.

In this sense, the event was attended by researchers from the seven partners that are part of the project: University of Warsaw (Poland); Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland); KU Leuven (Belgium); Quadram Institute Biosciences (UK); Delft University of Technology (Netherlands); Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Moldova) and ICRA.

In addition, the members of the External Advisory Board Dr. Karin Holmfeldt (Linnaeus University, Dept. Biology and Environmental Science, Kalmar, Sweden); Prof. Ion Salaru, National Center of Public Health (Moldova); Dr. Antoni Munné, ACA (BCN); and Dr. Lukasz Drewniak, University of Warsaw (Poland) also participated. 

https://old icra website.icradev.cat/files/noticia/phageland 1 https://old icra website.icradev.cat/files/noticia/phageland 2 https://old icra website.icradev.cat/files/noticia/phageland 3
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