
ICRA's Scientific and Technical Services (SCT), on the CERCAGINYS platform

The CERCAGINYS platform is the access portal to infrastructures and scientific services of the CERCA centers, among which ICRA participates. It's a joint initiative within the framework of the CERCAGINYS project funded by the MICINN and which aims to make access to scientific and technical infrastructure available to the scientific community and private companies.

Through this new portal, you can access the different scientific platforms - up to 198 - classified according to categories, accreditations, CERCA center and/or area.

ICRA's Scientific and Technical Services (SCT) collaborate in the CERCAGINYS project with analytical services integrated into four infrastructures, which are available for consultation: UAQUEMUTBMUM  

https://old icra website.icradev.cat/files/noticia/cercagINYS icra def
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