
Participation of ICRA-CERCA in the Seminar: 'Reutilization of treated wastewater'

As droughts occur across Europe and new European regulations for Water Reclamation are about to come into force, countries across the EU prepare for future scenarios, even presumably water-rich ones such as Austria.

In this context, the Austrian Water and Waste Management Association (ÖWAV) organized the seminar entitled "Reuse of treated waste water" in Vienna on February (21st and 22nd). As one would expect, such a seminar provides the opportunity to look towards countries experienced with water reuse and thus among the invited speakers presenting international practical experiences was Dr. Wolfgang Gernjak from ICRA-CERCA. In his invited talk he explained case studies from Murcia, Madrid, and Catalonia. The talk was prepared with the help and input of relevant Spanish administrations and industries (ESAMUR, Canal Isabel II, ACA, CACBGi, Veolia Water Technologies).

https://old icra website.icradev.cat/files/noticia/DR Wolfgang
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