
Presentation of the book 'Stream pools: between leisure and conservation'

The book "Stream pools: between leisure and conservation", by the ICRA researchers Vicenç Acuña, Mira Petrovic, Josep Pueyo and Anna Freixa, was presented on 14 October. The event took place in Sant Hilari Sacalm and served as closing event for the project Premi de Recerca Guilleries 2020, awarded by Càtedra de l’Aigua, Natura i Benestar.

The study evaluated the impact of visitor frequentation on water quality and biodiversity of Guilleries massif stream pools. The ecological impact of the selected stream pools was related to the estimated number of visitors they receive, and the carrying capacity for each stream pool was then determined. The most sensitive stream pools to an increase of visitors were identified, and these should be prioritized when establishing visitor frequentation management measures.

All study details are accessible downloading the book at: https://www.catedraaigua.cat/publicacions/

https://old icra website.icradev.cat/files/noticia/Gorgues
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