
One of the main objectives of Bàsquet Girona since its creation is the reduction of the environmental footprint in all areas of the club. To this end, the basketball team and the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA-CERCA) have signed a collaboration agreement that will promote the sustainability area of Bàsquet Girona. In this sense, both institutions have complementary purposes in areas of application of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that guide the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

To formalize the agreement, the Bàsquet Girona board of directors and the first team players, Jaume Sorolla and Pato Garino, today visited the ICRA-CERCA H2O Building, located in the Science and Technology Park of the University of Girona. During the meeting, they were accompanied by the management and the ICRA-CERCA research team, they were able to learn first-hand about the research carried out at the Institute and they visited some of its laboratories, such as the artificial river channels or the plant hydroponic pilot for crop growth.

ICRA-CERCA has begun to study the water consumption of the Fontajau pavilion. The research work includes carrying out an inventory, the control and diagnosis of the water used by the equipment, as well as the possibilities of improvement. In addition, the Institute will implement its tool, Innowat, a technology developed within the European R3water project, which allows control of the energy consumption of the facilities and which has already been applied in wastewater treatment plants and various municipal facilities, to reduce their costs.

For Oriol Gutiérrez, researcher in the ICRA-CERCA Technologies and Evaluation area and promoter of the agreement: "It was about generating synergies between local agents who share a common interest in responsible consumption of resources and a commitment to sustainability."

Stefi Batlle, Bàsquet Girona's head of communication and marketing, commented that "the addition of ICRA-CERCA to the club's project is a very important boost to reach optimum levels of sustainability, one of the aspects on which the club has been working since the beginning."


The Catalan Institute for Water Research is a multidisciplinary center that studies the integral water cycle in terms of water resources, water quality and treatment and evaluation technologies. As well as the transfer of this knowledge to society and the business and industrial fabric.

The Institute was created on October 26, 2006 by the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia within the framework of the Program of Research Centers of Catalonia (CERCA). Its headquarters, located in the Science and Technology Park of the University of Girona (UdG), was inaugurated on October 7, 2009.

ICRA-CERCA is a center attached to the UdG and has the support of its patrons: the Department of Research and Universities, the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) and the University of Girona (UdG).

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