
ICRA's experimental river facility receives the 2023 Water Award

The Catalan Water Research Institute (ICRA-CERCA) received one of the 2023 Water Awards, given by the Catalan Association of Friends of Water, for its innovative installation of experimental rivers. It is a unique and pioneering space in Catalonia and the first of its kind built in Europe, with which the conditions of different river ecosystems can be recreated to analyze, among others, how drought episodes affect the presence of drugs in rivers and the organisms that live there.

Vicenç Acuña, head of the Water Resources and Ecosystems Area of ICRA-CERCA, was in charge of receiving the award as part of the 5th Water Congress in Catalonia, held at the Palau de Congressos in Tarragona.

The Water Awards aim to stimulate, in a non-monetary way, all those initiatives, actions or trajectories that have something to do with improving the relationship of the Catalan population with water and its natural environment. They have been awarded since 2000 and serve to highlight numerous projects and companies related to the world of hydraulics.

The other awardees in this edition have been Lorenzo Correa, for his professional and bibliographic career; Dr. Montserrat Alsina; Waters of Barcelona; Waters of Manresa; Cetaqua; the Cornellà de Llobregat City Council for the Regreen innovation pilot project; and Dr. Martí Boada, for his professional career.

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