
ICRA sponsors the Print of Science Festival in Girona

  • A total of 20 researchers are participating in the Pint of Science Festival in Girona, of which 6 are from ICRA.

For the second consecutive year, the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA) sponsors and acts as promoter of the Print of Science Festival, which will take place in Girona from May 22 to 24.

It is an international scientific dissemination event that is organized simultaneously in several countries around the world and in several cities in Spain. The festival invites scientists to share their knowledge and research in bars and thus make science accessible to everyone. In this sense, for three days there will be several talks in the bars attached to the festival. In addition to complementary activities such as contests, live music or games.

In the Girona edition, a total of 20 researchers will collaborate, 6 of whom belong to ICRA. Thus, Javier Ortiz Rivero, Lucas Leonel, Gabriela Cordoba, Rafael Marcé, Daniela Henry, Josep Mas-Pla will discuss topics such as the presence of Biofilm in rivers; the route of antibiotics; or the importance of water and the sea to climate change, among others.

More information and full program of the Pint of Science Festival in Girona at: https://pintofscience.es/events/girona

About the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA)

ICRA is a multidisciplinary water research center created on October 26, 2006, by the government of the Generalitat de Catalunya. In addition, it is a CERCA center attached to the UdG and has the impetus of its patrons: the Department of Research and Universities, the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) and the University of Girona (UdG).

It is an international reference that is committed to research into the integral water cycle, in terms of water resources, water quality, in the broadest sense of the word (chemical, microbiological, ecological, etc...) and treatment and evaluation technologies and the transfer of this knowledge to society and the business and industrial fabric.

The research carried out there refers to all aspects related to water, especially those related to its rational use and the effects of human activity on water resources.

https://old icra website.icradev.cat/files/noticia/Foto 1 https://old icra website.icradev.cat/files/noticia/Foto2 https://old icra website.icradev.cat/files/noticia/Foto3
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