
Participation at the Annual assembly of the EMERGE project

The annual assembly of EU project EMERGE was held from 7th to 9th of June in Helsinki, Finland. The EMERGE project, coordinated by FMI (Finnish Meteorological Institute) aims at quantifying and evaluating the effects of potential emission reduction solutions for shipping in Europe and developing effective strategies and measures to reduce the environmental impacts of shipping.

ICRA team (M. Petrovic, Sara Rodriguez-Mozaz M. Gros and E. Garcia) leads a work package whose objectives are to collect and synthesize experimental evidence on waste streams discharged to water and to identify the ecotoxicologically relevant contaminants. At the meeting the synthesis of findings (results of chemical analysis of scrubber water and receiving sea water from five case studies) are presented.

These results, together with the results on air emissions,  will be used deploy the modelling framework to assess the medium and long-term suitability, efficacy, cost-effectiveness and potential impacts of a variety of shipping emission control scenarios to the marine environment around the European coastline.

https://old icra website.icradev.cat/files/noticia/Emerge
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