
- The objective of the research carried out between the collaboration of Bàsquet Girona and the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA-CERCA) is the improvement of sustainability.

The Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA-CERCA) and Bàsquet Girona have announced the first results of their collaboration with the aim of implementing actions to improve sustainability and apply innovative technologies in the field of local management and use of water and associated resources.

In this context, in June the first results of this collaboration were presented, which are reflected in the study entitled "Study of water and energy consumption in the municipal sports Hall of Fontajau, Girona". This work focuses on the analysis of sustainability in the Fontajau Municipal Pavilion, in Girona, with special attention to water and electricity consumption, and has had the close collaboration of the Girona City Council.

The study was carried out on two different scales. On the one hand, a more general analysis was carried out to observe the evolution of consumption over the years. On the other hand, a more detailed analysis has been carried out to analyze the consumption of water and energy in each hour, thus providing a complete view of the use of these resources in the sports Hall.

As a result of this analysis, several recommendations have been formulated to improve the sustainable management of the facilities. These suggestions take into account both economic aspects and benefits in terms of water savings. Girona City Council is already implementing on a regular basis some of the recommendations indicated in the study, which also serves to point out potential improvements in this emblematic facility of the city.

This joint work by ICRA-CERCA and Bàsquet Girona highlights the interest and commitment to sustainability and the efficient use of resources in the municipal sports Hall of Fontajau, Girona. This collaboration seeks to contribute to the preservation of the environment and promote the responsible use of water and energy at the local level. This marks only the beginning of a series of joint initiatives aimed at promoting sustainability and efficiency in water and energy consumption.

The research work also includes an inventory, monitoring and diagnosis of the water used by the equipment, as well as possibilities for improvement. In addition, the Institute will implement its tool, Innowat, a technology developed within the European R3water project, which allows control of the energy consumption of the facilities and has already been applied in wastewater treatment plants and in several municipal facilities to reduce their costs.

ICRA-CERCA and Bàsquet Girona are committed to continue working together to implement the recommendations derived from this study and promote environmental awareness through concrete actions.

https://old icra website.icradev.cat/files/noticia/780 0008 6249512 7462934c37a5f45a3dd1731a4bd59da8 https://old icra website.icradev.cat/files/noticia/780 0008 5766908 44317f852c076b659a5c49f6c78aaba9
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