
On October 19TH, ICRA-CERCA researcher Maria José Farré participated in the Zero Pollution Kick Off Meeting at the Water Project Europe 2023 organized by Water Europe. A cluster that counts with the participation of intoDBP, a consortium led by ICRA-CERCA that aims to minimize human exposure to disinfection by-products (DBP) under current and future climates.

In this sense, the ZeroPollution4Water Cluster is an initiative that emerged from the coalition of seven different projects funded from the HORIZON-CL6-2022-ZEROPOLLUTION-01-01 and 01-04 calls, which revolve around two main themes : Preventing groundwater pollution and ensuring drinking water quality by protecting water sources against contamination, providing innovative monitoring and treatment solutions and ensuring safe distribution.

https://old icra website.icradev.cat/files/noticia/MJoseFarre ZeroPollution foto
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