
RESEARCH: 4SM Spread Sewer Sensing for Sustainable Management

The 4SM Spread Sewer Sensing for Sustainable Management project obtained in the call for R & D & I projects in strategic lines, was started in Desember 2021.

The main goal of 4SM is to create a new set of sensors and tools for the advanced and sustainable management of sewer systems. 4SM will address four of the most important challenges/opportunities for optimal sewer management, such as promoting the process of digitization of sewer networks; improving the capabilities of current monitoring tools; recovering sewer resources and energy, and developing highly innovative methods for controlling corrosion, toxicity and odors.

4SM aims to simultaneously develop innovative methods for advanced sustainable infrastructure management while accelerating the connection between the physical and digital worlds in urban sanitation systems. The project, led by Dr. Oriol Gutierrez, has a total budget of € 590,081 (ICRA budget € 299,999) and 2 industrial partners, FACSA and Eurecat.

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