
IMPACT: Innovative monitoring to prioritise contaminants of emerging concern for Ireland

9h-13h WEBINAR INVITATION - DCU Water Institute




9.00 - 9.30 Prof Damia Barcelo Culleres, Catalan Institute for Water Research, Girona, Spain
Mass spectrometry in wastewater-based epidemiology for the determination of small & large molecules as biomarkers of exposure. Needs for COVID-19 testing with environmental proteomics.
9.30 - 9.45 Dr Helena Rapp Wright, Environmental Research Group, Imperial College London, UK
Novel detection and risk assessment of contaminants of emerging concern in a range of aquatic matrices in Ireland
9.45 – 10.00 Imogen Hands, DCU Water Institute, School of Chemical Sciences, DCU, Ireland
Occurrence of chemicals of emerging concern in Irish waters, with a focus on pesticide contaminants


10.30 - 10.45 Prof Fiona Regan, DCU Water Institute, School of Chemical Sciences, DCU, Ireland
Chemicals in our Water: Analytical Challenges to Assess Risk
10.45 - 11.00 Dr. Marcin Penk, School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Acute toxicity of the insecticide cypermethrin to three common European mayfly and stonefly
11.00 - 11.45 Simon O’Toole, Environmental Monitoring and Surveillance, EPA, Ireland
The National Aquatic Environmental Chemistry Group - an improved strategic approach to the
monitoring and management of hazardous chemicals in the aquatic environment


- 12.30 Dr. Leon Barron, Environmental Research Group, School of Public Health,
Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, UK
Rapid and lower cost approaches for monitoring the risks of emerging contaminants at scale
12.30 - 1.00 Roundtable discussion “Future directions for CEC analysis”
Panelists: Prof Damia Barcelo, Prof Fiona Regan, Dr Marcin Penk, Simon O’Toole, Dr Leon Barron

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