
ICRA contribution to the VI Conference of Pre-doctoral Researchers

From the 30th of May until the 2nd of June of 2022, the VI Conference of Pre-doctoral Researchers of the University of Girona, organized by the School of Doctoral Studies,  was held in Girona.

The programme of the conference included informative sessions, workshops about labour insertion, and COMMUNICATION sessions about the research topics that PhD students are developing at the university.

Josephine Vosse, Researcher from ICRA's Technology and Assessment (TiA) Area, participated with the presentation of the project: “Water reuse for irrigation: how to perform hazard characterization for the human exposure to pharmaceuticals accumulated in food crops” (J. Vosse, L. H.M.L.M. Santos, E. Mendoza, J. Comas, S. Rodriguez-Mozaz, G. Buttiglieri)

https://old icra website.icradev.cat/files/noticia/News 7  VI Conference Pre doctora Researchers
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