
Project iWAYS - "full steam" ahead

The iWAYS H2020 project– Innovative WAter recoverY Solutions through recycling of heat, materials and water across multiple sectors– is currently finalizing the specifications for the three use cases located in Spain, Italy and Sweden. These were discussed at the consortium meeting taking place at the Scientific Coordinator’s Institution - Brunel University, London – on May 18th-19th. More specifically, ICRA (project team: W. Gernjak (PI), M. Abily, A. Tizchang) is getting ready to launch the public tender for acquiring the flotation and membrane distillation pilot plants that will treat and recover process water to recycle it back into the manufacturing process at the Tubacex steel pipe manufacturing industry located in the Basque Country.


https://old icra website.icradev.cat/files/noticia/220628 News 7 Iways
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