
Project SUGGEREIX wrapping up with a bang

The SUGGEREIX project is coming to a close in June. This Catalan Water Agency (ACA) funded project – further detail can be found here: https://aiguaregenerada.cat/es/projecto-suggereix/ - is dedicated to developing guidance on the implementation of water reclamation in Catalonia in the form of a guide as well as by an online accessible decision support system.

On 21th of June the project and the decision support system will be presented to a wide audience from the water sector in Tarragona by the project partners (Eurecat, ICRA, Cetaqua, UPC, Catalan Water Partnership). The event will also host a round table discussion “Closing the water cycle. Challenges and achievements in Catalonia” including panelists from government agencies and research.

ICRA’s researchers J. Comas and W. Gernjak, on an international level, will also present the decision support system in a conference workshop at the “Water Reuse Europe” conference to be held in Girona in September (https://www.water-reuse-europe.org/news-events/girona-2022/).

Read the ACA press release on the project: https://aca.gencat.cat/ca/inici/nota-premsa/index.html?id=434524#googtrans(ca|en)

https://old icra website.icradev.cat/files/noticia/220628 News 7 Suggereix
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