
2nd SIBECOL - AIL Meeting

Aveiro - Portugal

Welcome to “Ecology: Bettering our sustainable future through scientific knowledge”, an event joining the 2nd Meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society (SIBECOL), the XXI conference of the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL), and the 21st National Congress of Ecology of the Portuguese Ecological Society – SPECO) that will be held in Aveiro, Portugal in July 2022.

This “classical” in-person meeting aims to gather in one place the ecology community from Portugal, Spain and wider afield to exchange knowledge and expertise. Policy makers and environmental managers, industry members, and all others who take an interest in ecological research and building an environmentally sustainable future are also welcome to join us.

Today more than ever, we feel like there is an increasing need for ecologists to step in and help societal decision-making regarding the current climate of overexploitation of natural resources, habitat loss and degradation, pollution, invasive species, urbanization, climate change, and overall global biodiversity crisis. The scientific knowledge that stems from ecological research has been vital to establish socio-environmental connections and maintain biodiversity and food production in cleaner environments, contributing to a more sustainable use and development of our natural capital.

Given the integrative and transdisciplinary aspects of ecological research, this meeting encourages contributions from researchers working on all sub-disciplines of ecology, ecosystems, and biological organization levels. In this context we hope to discuss theoretical and/or experimental approaches that can help us understand the complex interactions among organisms and their environment.

This is why we hope to come together to address one of the most pressing societal issues of our time: how to preserve our ecosystems in a functioning and resilient manner in the face of change.

Ensuring that all appropriate safety measures are in place, this meeting will also be an opportunity to get together with friends and colleagues, to cultivate diversity and inclusion, and to support and inspire students and young researchers within our community.

We look forward to welcoming the global ecology community in Aveiro next July.
Join us!


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