
XXIX Conference of the Analytical Chemistry Division

Castello di Milazzo (Messina)

Analytical Chemistry for a green and sustainable future

On behalf of the Organising Committee, we are glad to announce that the XXIX Conference of the Analytical Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) – Analytical Chemistry for a green and sustainable future, will be held from Sunday 11 to Thursday 15 September 2022 at the Milazzo Castle (ME).

The Congress will be opened by the Plenary Lecture of Prof. Damià Barceló (IDAEA-CSIC, ICRA - Catalan Institute for water research, Spain) with the title Microplastics in the aquatic environment: green analytical protocols, risks and sustainable solutions. It will include scientific sessions covering the main fields of research in analytical chemistry.

Scholarships will be provided to support young researchers interested in attending the conference.

The organization of the congress is supervised by the Analytical Chemistry department of the University of Messina in collaboration with several researchers from other scientific areas.

We kindly encourage you to join this meeting.

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