
RESEARCH ICRA: GiroNat. Turn towards renaturalization for a more resilient and healthy Girona

GiroNat is a city shared project, long-standing and showcasing. It fosters the biodiversity and the green infrastructure as a leading concepts of a 180 degrees turnaround to urban renaturing. It will transform Girona in a greener, more resilient and healthier city.

The project proposes a urban transformation that address the challenges and opportunities of Girona as a Mediterranean, university and educative city, socially diverse, riverine and close to nature (48% within Nature Network 2000 areas).

GiroNat is split in diagnosis and planification tasks, implementation tasks, and monitoring tasks. Within this framework, ICRA is leading three tasks: (1) Modelling the urban drainage system to look for the best location to built sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS), with the aim to reduce the discharges of the combined sewer overflows and with a multifunctional perspective; (2) Scientific monitoring of a green wall installed in the social centre of Sant Narcís, where the treated water will be reused in an urban garden of the same neighbourhood; (3) development and implementation of indicators to track the improvements of the project actions to the urban sustainability.

Project name: GiroNat: a turn towards renaturalisation for a more resilient and healthier Gerona.
Budget: 4.199.960 €.
ICRA budget: 112,761 €.
Principal Investigator: Lluís Corominas
Partners: Girona City Council, Ass. La Sorellona, University of Girona, Nature Conservation Network, SEO/Birdlife.
Call for proposals: Grants for the renaturalisation and resilience of cities 2021 (funded by NextGeneration EU).

https://old icra website.icradev.cat/files/noticia/GiroNat
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