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An ICRA-led scientific expedition will study for the first time the destruction of carbon deposits in the Aral Sea

A scientific expedition led by the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA) is studying the destruction of the carbon sink in the sediments of the Aral Sea (Kazakhstan), the largest dry lake on the...


A team from the ICRA Water Quality Area collaborates in the Projecte Escanyagats of La Sorellona

The research team of ICRA formed by the researchers Sara Rodríguez-Mozaz, Jose Castaño and Lucia Helena Santos, from the Water Quality Area, has collaborated with the environmental...


ICRA researcher, Wolfgang Gernjak, contributes to two review manuscripts on wastewater flow

Recently, ICRA researcher Wolfgang Gernjak contributed to two ambitious review manuscripts that aspire to push their respective research fields singificantly forward. Mutzner et al, 2022, “A...


Doctoral student Adrián Jaén Gil has won the extraordinary doctoral prize in Water Science and Technology with the thesis “Removal of pharmaceuticals in wastewater combining different...


ICRA obtains nine positions for technical staff through the INVESTIGO Programme

The Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA) is offering nine technical staff positions (under 30 years of age) through the INVESTIGO Programme, funded by the European Union-Next Generation EU within...


PhD defence by Danilo Bertagna

Danilo Bertagna was the first ITN NOWELTIES fellow in defending his PhD thesis “UV-LED advanced oxidation processes for the efficient removal of organic micropollutants from water” on the...

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