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ICCE 2023:18th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment

Venice 11-15 June 2023

The 18th EuChemS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment  Towards a pollution free society The Environmental Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society and the University...


Meeting of the LIFE RECYCLO project

ICRA (Girona)

ICRA will host the meeting of the LIFE RECYCLO (RECYCLing waste water from small and medium sized laundries with advanced Oxidation process) project on the 21st April 2023, in Girona. Several...


SAVE THE DATE- ICRASeminar: Water pollution in Vietnam and treatment methods,

April 12, 2023, Sala d'actes ICRA


Meeting of the H2020 HYDROUSA project


From March 22 to 24, 2023, the final meeting of the European project H2020 HYDROUSA will take place at Brunel University (London, United Kingdom), dedicated to demonstrating innovative and regenerative...


Training Workshop Naute-based Solutions for Circular Girona

2-3 March El Modern - Girona



12h Sala d'Actes ICRA

  Titol: Aral: testimonis d'un mar Resum: El Mar d’Aral (Kazakhstan)...

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