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13:00 Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, University College London


30/11/2022 (9h-17h) INSTITUT D`ESTUDIS CATALANS Carrer del Carme, 47; 08001 Barcelona

Entenem la resiliència com la capacitat d’un sistema d’absorbir els canvis i les pressions de l’entorn mantenint-ne les característiques i el funcionament. Parlem de la...


The 3rd International Conference on Green Technology for Sustainable Environment 2022 (GTSE-2022)

November 27th to December 2nd, 2022 in Taipei, Taiwan

The 3rd International Conference on Green Technology for Sustainable Environment 2022 (GTSE-2022) will be held onsite from November 27th to December 2nd, 2022 in Taipei, Taiwan. GTSE 2022 aims to...


5th MS envi Day

28-29 Novembre Milano ( Italia)

Participació d'ICRA en el congrès 5th MS envi Day en Milano, organitzat per Societat Quimica italiana.  ponencia presentada pel Dr. Damià Barceló: Wastewater-Based...


International Congress on Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture, Ecosystems and Human Health (ICCC 2022)

November 16-18, 2022, Miri, Malaysia

  ICRA participa en el congrès International Congress on Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture, Ecosystems and Human Health (ICCC 2022). El Dr. Damià Barceló participa...


webinar IWA The future of disinfection in drinking water & wastewater

Source: International Water Association TYPE:...

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