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ICRA RESEARCH: The PRIMA-SAFE project: water reuse strategies for small farmers in Mediterranean areas

PRIMA-SAFE “Sustainable water reuse practices improving safety in agriculture, food and environment” (2022-2025) was awarded by PRIMA 2021 (programme Section 2, topic 2.2.1). It is a project...


Excellent achievement in science 2022 at Slovenian Research Agency

The publications on “Contaminants of emerging concern – how can we control them with algae” were selected for excellent achievement in science 2022 at Slovenian Research Agency. The...


ICRA and its collaborators continue to contribute to international leadership in academic publishing

Water Research X (WRX, 9.4 impact factor in 2022) is emerging from the umbrella of its partner journal, Water Research (WR). WRX now has a new Editorial Board comprising an Editor-in-Chief, five...


Participation in the workshop 'Nature-based solutions for a Circular Girona'

Several ICRA-CERCA researchers (Joaquim Comas, Vicenç Acuña, Joana Castellar, Gianluigi Buttiglieri, Josep Pueyo) participated in the "Nature-based solutions for a Circular Girona"...


ICRA-CERCA participates in the NICE & UrbanByNature Capacity-Building Webinar

ICRA-CERCA participacion on the NICE & UrbanByNature Capacity-Building Webinar with the talk “MULTISOURCE NBS Technology selection and design tool”. During this webinar, Joaquim Comas,...


Science Monday. Challenges of Global Change

On Monday 27 February, Dr. Vicenç Acuña, Dr. Anna Freixa and Dr. Josep Pueyo participated in the conference organised by the Residence for Researchers of the CSIC in BCN with the paper "Gorgues,...

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