Public Administration and Business Mixed Committee is the ICRA's external advisory body, whose main objective is to guarantee the applicability and usefulness of the research carried out at the ICRA, so that it is oriented towards the needs of the market.
The Public Administration and Business Mixed Committee is the body for the participation of the business sector in the Foundation. It may be consulted by the Board of Trustees and the Director, and may issue recommendations of a guiding nature.
Functions according to the Statutes of the Catalan Institute for Water Research-ICRA Foundation
Article 17
Public Administration and Business Mixed Committee
17.1 The Public Administration and Business Mixed Committee is the body for the participation of the business sector in the Foundation. It may be consulted by the Board of Trustees and the Director and may issue recommendations of a consultative nature. Specifically, it has the following functions:
a) To collaborate in the detection of sectorial needs and to make specific proposals.
b) To indicate attractive opportunities for technological development.
c) To promote participation in joint research projects and to facilitate the Foundation's access to public and private resources.
d) Collaborate in the creation of spin-offs.
e) To participate in activities related to the objectives of the Foundation.
17.2 The Public Administration and Business Mixed Committee is made up of an indeterminate number of members, who will act in representation of the companies that have been invited to form part of it by the Board of Trustees.
17.3 The Presidency of the Public Administration and Business Mixed Committee is held by the person determined by the Board of Trustees.
(Members and Chairman approved at the ordinary meeting of the Board of Trustees of 2 June 2021)
Jordi Agustí, General Manager (Consorci d'Aigües de la Costa Brava Girona) - Chair of the Public Administration and Business Mixed Committee
Carlos Montero, General Director (CETAQUA- Centro Tecnológico del Agua, Fundación Privada)
Xavier Amores, Director (Catalan Water Partnership- CWP)
Ana Jiménez, Head of Innovation Management & Technology Transfer R&D Department (ACCIONA-AGUA)
Amadeu Ros, Chair (Associació Catalana de Comunitats de Regants-ACATCOR)
Lara Duro, CEO (AMPHOS 21 Group, S.L)
Joan Sanz, Technical Direction (VEOLIA- Water Technologies)
Begoña Martínez, Territory Manager (Consorci Besòs-Tordera)