
The Direction heads the constant and immediate direction of ICRA’s activities

(new information pending)

The Deputy Direction heads the three ICRA’s Research Areas

AI- Resources and Ecosystems research area
AII -Water Quality research area
AIII - Technologies and Evaluation reserach area 

Sergi Sabater  l  Deputy Director
Research Professor (UdG Associated)  l  Tel. (34) 972 18 33 80

Professor of Ecology at the University of Girona (UdG). His research career has been focused on the ecology of fluvial ecosystems, particularly regarding the role of biofilms, the metabolism and functioning of fluvial systems, and the effects of global change on fluvial systems.


The General Managing heads the R&D&i Support Services

Iván Sánchez  l  General Manager  l  Tel. (34) 972 18 33 80

Born in Barcelona in 1970, he obtained a B.Sc. in Chemistry, speciality Chemical Engineering from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 1993.
Process engineer at the Process Development Center of Fine Chemicals (CDPQF) of the General Laboratory Testing and Research (LGAI) of Catalonia from 1995 to 1999.
CDPQF manager of LGAI from 2000 to 2005.
Industry Area Director of the Certification Division of Applus+ from 2006 to 2007.
Management Development Program (PDD) at IESE in 2007.
On August 25, 2008 he was appointed General Manager of the ICRA.


Olga Corral  l  Executive Personal Assistant  l  Tel. (34) 972 18 34 15

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