Scientific and Technical Services (SCT)

On 23 May 2011 the Scientific and Technical Services (SCT) of the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA) were officially opened.

The aim of the Scientific and Technical Services (SCT) of the ICRA is to provide highly qualified scientific support as a response to consultancy and testing requirements generated in the course of research and technology transfer projects, as well as the provision of services to companies and organizations.

According to the research lines outlined in the Strategic Plan of ICRA, the support given by the SCT can be classified in several different Units. These Units are basic operating structures and generally correspond to a specific instrumental technique or set of related techniques:
Chemical Analysis Unit (CAU)
Mass Spectrometry Unit (MSU)
Biological and Molecular Techniques Unit (BMTU)

Microscopy Unit (MU)


Each of these units is equipped with basic instrumentation in order to accomplish the needs of the researchers of the ICRA. In coming years, the services will grow according to the motivated demands of the researchers by incorporating new equipment and / or developing new methods of analysis.

The products and services offered by the SCT are conceptualized in spread sheets (catalogue of equipment) that allow dissemination of offered services.

The SCT have a competent human and technical team and are specialized in different areas of knowledge that can offer a fully guaranteed service by performing the following activities:

- Scientific and technical advice.
- Development of analytical methodologies.
- Maintenance and correct use of equipment.
- Participation in research projects of the Institute.
- Training activities (continuous training and specialization of technicians).

Scientific and Technical Services


SCT Unit


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