Mission, vision and objectives

The Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA) is a research center with the main objective of research and innovation in the sustainable use of water.


ICRA's mission is achieving scientific excellence at the highest level in the field of integrated water cycle in order to respond globally, efficient and competitive problems and challenges linked to it.

The areas of study include the state of ecosystems, water resources, the impact of new products, new technologies for the treatment and use of resources, especially in the Mediterranean.


The ICRA’s vision is to become a national and international reference point.


Foster basic and applied research, and promote knowledge and technology transfer, innovation and the provision of scientific and technological services to public or private institutions and companies.

Carry out top-level, worldclass research activities, with a coordinated, cooperative organization structure, encouraging contacts between the ICRA’s researchers and those from other institutions around the world, applying an interdisciplinary approach in a broad spectrum of water-related sciences and technologies.

Facilitate funding of research through self-generated resources, subsidies, scholarships, competitive grants, donations and implementation of technology transfer projects awarded by both public institutions and private individuals or companies.

Organize scientific meetings both within Spain and abroad and provide specialist services and products to the scientific community.

Foster activities that contribute to promoting research in water related sciences and technologies and achieving the ICRA’s primary objectives.

Mission, vision and objectives
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