Research areas and researchers

The ICRA Research Plan is structured in three major research areas, each with a mission and a vision acording to those of ICRA . ICRA's research areas and the researchers are:


 Vicenç Acuña (research scientist)

 Diana Alvarez-Muñoz (postdoc researcher)

 Ignasi Aymerich (predoctoral student)

 José Luis Balcázar (research scientist Ramon y Cajal)

 Damià Barceló (research professor CSIC associated and ICRA director)

 Ramon J. Batalla (research professor UdL associated)

 Carles Borrego (research professor UdG associated)

 Lluis M. Bosch (IT technician)

 Mercè Boy (postdoc researcher)

 Gianluigi Buttiglieri (research scientist Ramon y Cajal)

 Núria Càceres (research technician)

 Joan Pere Casas (predoctoral student)

 Maria Casellas (research technician)

 Sergi Compte (predoctoral student)

 Lluís Corominas (postdoc researcher)

 María José Farré (postdoc researcher - IIF)

 Wolfgang Gernjak (research scientist - Ramón y Cajal)

 Pau Gimeno (predoctoral student)

 Lucia Gusmaroli (predoctoral student - ITN SANITAS)

 Oriol Gutiérrez (postdoc researcher)

 Carmen Gutiérrez (research technician)

 Adrian Jaen (predoctoral student)

 Elissavet Kassotaki ( research technician)

 Mehlika Ayla Kiser (postdoc researcher)

 Itziar Lekunberri (postdoc researcher)

 Lúcia Helena Santos (postdoc researcher)

 Ladislav Mandaric (predoctoral student)

 Rafael Marcé (research scientist)

 Josep Mas-Pla (research professor UdG associated)

 Mira Petrovic (research professor ICREA)

 Maite Pijuan (research scientist Ramon y Cajal)

 Jelena Radjenovic (postdoc researcher)

 Anna Ribera (predoctoral student)

 Sara Rodríguez-Mozaz (research scientist)

 Ignasi Rodríguez-Roda (research professor UdG associated)

 Sergi Sabater (research professor UdG associated and ICRA deputy director)

 Albert Serra (predoctoral student)

 Jessica Subirats (predoctoral student)

 Saulo Varela (research technician)

 Yaroslav Verkh (predoctoral student)

 Soraya Zahedi (postdoc researcher)

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