AI3. Fluvial systems

The general objectives are to set the research centre as a reference within the Mediterranean area in regards to the effects of global change (recent and future) in the functioning of fluvial ecosystems, and to develop a transdisciplinary research including all aquatic compartments, as well as their interaction with the terrestrial ecosystems. Specifically, there are 3 research lines in AI3: i) the study of the effects of the alterations of flow and temperature on the Carbon fluxes in fluvial systems; ii) a second one targets the specific effects of low flows (hydrological drought) on the functioning of stream biofilms and on the biogeochemical cycles; iii) the study of ecosystem services.

Specific objectives are:

· Biogeochemical study of fluvial systems

· Changes in the biological structure study and functioning of fluvial systems with respect to climate and global changes

· Hidrological and biological study in different ecoregions

· Ecosystemics services evaluation and quantify

· Combine know-how between conservation and use of water resources



Sergi Sabater
Research Professor (UdG Associated)

His research career has been focused on the ecology of fluvial ecosystems. His preferred lines of research are the ecology of river algae and biofilms, the ecotoxicology of biofilms, the metabolism and functioning of fluvial systems, and the effects of global change on fluvial systems.

Vicenç Acuña

Research Scientist

This researcher focus his efforts on the 3 different research lines. One is on the study of the effects of the alterations of flow and temperature on the Carbon fluxes in fluvial systems. A second one targets the specific effects of low flows (hydrological drought) on the functioning of stream biofilms and on the biogeochemical cycles. The third one lies on the interface between economy and ecosystem science, as it deals with ecosystem services. He has published several papers in SCI journals, and has been involved in national and international projects. 

Click here for more information

Xavier Garcia
Postdoctoral Researcher

Margot Sepp
Postdoctoral Researcher Advanced

Paula Gabriela Córdoba
Predoctoral Researcher

Contract financed by the Secretariat of Universities and Research of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the European Social Fund within the framework of the FI Program (2022 FI_B1 00105).

Laia Verdura
Predoctoral Researcher

Contract financed by the Secretariat of Universities and Research of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the European Social Fund within the framework of the FI Program (2022 FI_B_ 00168).

Javier Ortiz
Predoctoral Researcher

Pau Giménez
Research Technician

Oliu Llorente
Research Tech. Adv.

Lorena C. Cojoc
Research Tech. Adv.

Paula Siñeriz
Support Res. Tech.

Neus Besoli
Research Technician

Joan Saló
Research Technician







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