AI4. Modelling of ecosystems and basins

Models are ideal heuristic platforms for stimulating critical thinking and to generate new hypotheses in environmental sciences.

The research line uses state-of-the-art modelling techniques to excel in the fields of detection and assessment of the effects of global changes in the functioning of Mediterranean fluvial basins, and the management of water quality in man-made reservoirs.

Specific objectives are:

· Analysis of long series of data in drainage basins: modellling on a basin scale with integration of physical, hydrological, chemical and biological processes

· Restoration and preservation of ecosystems on a basin scale

· Basin planning in response to changes foreseen in the water scarcity and quality


Josep Mas-Pla
Research Professor (UdG Associated)

His research is focused to the field of regional hydrogeology, including field work, based on hydrogeological, hydrochemical and isotopic data, in order to understand and quantify hydrological processes, to evaluate water resources and groundwater quality. Other areas of research include the interaction between surface water and groundwater in alluvial aquifers, considering the related ecohydrological impacts and the analysis of groundwater vulnerability to nitrate pollution.

Elisa García
Research Technician Advanced




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