AII2. Pollutants in waste water

The objective of this line is to control quality of water in wastewater and drinking water treatments.

Specific research lines comprise on one hand, the study of occurrence fate and behavior of contaminants in conventional and advanced treatments of waste and drinking waters and on the other hand, the elucidation of transformation processes and identification of by-products in order to improve the understanding of the sources and processes that control the distribution of contaminants to the environment.


Specific objectives are:

• Study of the occurrence, fate and behaviour of pollutants in conventional biological waste water treatments

• Fate and behaviour of pollutants in advanced treatments of waste water from domestic and industrial origin (membrane technology, advanced oxidation processes)

• Clarification of the biodegradation processes of the pollutants

• Study of the transformation of pollutants and their distribution between solid and liquid phases

• Assessment of the ecotoxicological relevance of the emerging pollutants

• Identification of new contaminants originating from the purification of water (ozonation, chlorination by-products)


Mira Petrovic
Research Professor (ICREA)

ICREA Research Professor since 2005. She has a Ph.D. in Analytic Chemistry from University of Zagreb, Croatia (1995). Her current main field of research concerns fate and behaviour of emerging organic contaminants, such as pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors during wastewater and drinking water treatment. Specific research lines include (i) study of biotic and abiotic transformation of emerging contaminants, identification of transformation products, elucidation of transformation pathways; (ii) study of occurrence and distribution of emerging contaminants in aquatic environment and environmental risk assessment. She has been involved in international projects such as FP6 projects SEDNET, NORMAN, EMCO, INNOVA-MED, AQUATERRA, and national projects such as Consolider SCARCE.  


Petrovic, M. – Editorial Advisory Board Member of Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN), (Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2012 to present.

Petrovic, M. - Editor-in-Chief of Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry (TrEAC), Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2013 to present.

Click here for more information


Meritxell Gros
Research Fellow (RyC)

Contract co-financed by the Spanish State Research Agency of the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the European Social Fund within the framework of the Ramón y Cajal Program  (AEI-FSE / RYC2020-030324-I).

M. Isabel Cadena
Postdoctoral Researcher

Nonito Ros
Predoctoral Researcher

Elisa García
Research Technician

Natalia Sáez
Research Tech. Adv.








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