HR Excellence in Research

In December 2015, the Institut Català de Recerca de l’Aigua (ICRA) received the HR Excellence in Research” award from the European Commission.

This award and its logo recognizes that ICRA endorses the policies and practices of The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), established by the European Commission to implement principles of The European Charter for Researchers & Code of Conduct for the Recruitment for Researchers (Charter & Code).

The implementation process started in October 2014 when HRS4R Work Group was created. After performing a gap analysis and a Self-Assessment in accordance with the results of the analysis obtained, an Action Plan 2015-2017 was produced.

ICRA has adopted this Action Plan 2015-2017 in consonance with HRS4R and the principles of Charter and Code of the European Commission, focusing on key areas for change and further development.

These two documents (Charther & Code) prove that ICRA has means to achieve a transparent and open labor market for researchers and includes general principles and requirements associated with the position, obligations and rights of researchers and their employers, as well as with the recruitment of researchers. This recognition allows achieving international visibility by providing favorable working environment for research with equal opportunities, ethical integrity and work life balance.

ICRA believes that researchers will be able to focus on their career development and increase their employability and career advancement.

For more information:



Self Evaluation Report

In December 2018, ICRA published the Self-Evaluation Report and sent it to the European Commission for evaluation.

This Self-Evaluation Report contains information on the evolution of the HRS4R Action Plan and the status of each action, as well as the new actions planned for the following years.

Self Evaluation Report


Award Renewal

ICRA obtained the ‘HR Excellence in Research’ logo awarded by the European Commission. This recognition shows the institute’s commitment to implement policies and best practices to reach the standards of the European Commission in Human resources.  This is the Self-Assessment report for the Renewal Phase containing the action plan and the implementation of the principles of the European Charter of Researchers and Code of Conduct. Thus,  ICRA will be more attractive at international level by providing favorable working conditions for research with equal opportunities, ethical integrity and work-life balance.

ICRA Renewal Phase Assessment

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