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Monitornig excesses of the clavegueram network

At the Catalan Institute for Water Research, the teams of the GiroNat and 4SM projects are collaborating closely with the companies TRAGIRSA and CATSA, responsible for the urban drainage network of the...


ICRA doctoral students participate in the UdG

TiA PhD students Anna Segues, Oriol Casabella and Esther Mendoza participated in “Your thesis in 4 minutes contest”, organized by the University of Girona for PhD students from different areas. The...


GRAPHEC, a technology developed in ICRA that utilizes novel graphene-based sponge electrodes for electrochemical oxidation of PFAS in water, is one of the projects that have entered TheCollider's...


Last week, several members of ICRA participated in the meeting of the project DARABi (Dissemination of Antibiotic Resistance by Aquatic Birds) that took place at the Biological Station of Doñana...


ICRA sponsors the Print of Science Festival in Girona

A total of 20 researchers are participating in the Pint of Science Festival in Girona, of which 6 are from ICRA. For the second consecutive year, the Catalan Institute for Water...


ICRA collaborates with ACA in the identification of chemical compounds in water

The new success story of the CERCA Ginys platform brings us to the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) and the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA). The Catalan Water Agency (ACA) is the public company...

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